"C:\Users\winde\Downloads\windemere_cove (1080p).mp4"


June 21, 2017
Barry's BBQ

Thanks to all that came out, we had a great dinner and fellowship at Barry’s BBQ.

We had 20 folks to show up, the food was great as always and the company was even better.

Thanks again and we’ll see you at the ice cream social, coming soon!

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February 19, 2017
Fireside Chat

Several of us gathered down by the lake side for a community fire last night.  We had a colorfull, roaring fire!     Our "Thanks"  to Mr. Matt Stephens for building and maintaining the fire.     He spoiled the rest of us, since we did none of the work!  lol            He sure knows his camp fires!   

Some ate hotdogs, while others relaxed and enjoyed a Lolly Pop.   The night was just right,  quiet, no wind, and..... no bugs.     Just a few frogs out!    No ghost stories were told, but many good thoughts was passed around.

Till next time.....

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